Ketamine helps relieve depression by increasing neuroplasticity in specific regions of the brain in a way that is very different from traditional oral antidepressants

For more information about how ketamine therapy works, check our blog post “Why Ketamine?” below.


Over half of patients taking an oral antidepressant report still feeling depressive symptoms. If you have tried two or more antidepressants without adequate symptom relief ketamine might be right for you.

Ketamine therapy can provide instant and lasting relief of depressive symptoms.

Call our office today to schedule an appointment.

Ketamine Therapy Services

Ketamine infusion:

Ketamine nasal spray:

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP):

Ketamine-Assisted Couples Counseling:

At Metro Atlanta Psychiatry, we believe that Ketamine Therapy opens doors for individuals to live a happier, healthier life.

Upon receiving your completed form, our team will reach out to schedule an appointment or answer any questions you may have. You may also call our office at (404) 456-6482 to schedule a consultation.

At Metro Atlanta Psychiatry, our primary focus is supporting you in your journey toward mental health and overall well-being. You can rely on us to be consistent and supportive as you strive to improve your mental wellness.